Wynnum Darts Club

FRequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be from the Wynnum area?

No! Wynnum Darts is your local social group in the Wynnum & Districts area, but anyone who is interested in playing a friendly game is welcome.

What level are most players when they join?

We are a friendly bunch always looking for new people to join the club. All skill levels are welcome, from novice to representatives.

What do I need to buy or bring?

  • First-timers – See rules for the comp/game you’re attending. You can bring your own darts or buy some here.
  • Other players – see rules for each comp

Do I need experience?

No, we can run you through all you need to know. 

Do I need experience?

Never played darts before? You’re welcome to come down to one of our regular social competitions on Wednesday nights. This well help you hone your skills with fellow dart-lovers. Everyone is welcome at our Wednesday night social sessions.

Children are welcome with their parents.

Can I come along for a social game and not join the club?

Absolutely – we usually have a few boards separate to competition play so you can come along, meet some people, and have a go.

Have more questions? Contact us below.